NOTICE OF A CHANGE IN THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF Y-W Electric Association, Inc.,250 Main Avenue, PO Box Y, Akron, CO 84720.
You are hereby notified that the above-named Association proposes to make changes in its Rules and Regulations to become effective October 26,2017.
Anyone who desires to comment or complain about the proposed changes shall file a written complaint with the Association at the above address at least 10 days before the proposed effective date.
The Association may hold a hearing to determine what changes will be authorized. The changes ultimately authorized may or may not be the same as those proposed, and may include changes different from those tariffs proposed or currently in effect. Anyone who desires to receive notice of the hearing, if any, shall make a written request therefore to the Association at the above address, at least 10 days before the proposed effective date.
The proposed change is summarized as follows, but anyone desiring a more detailed description of the changes may review the complete tariff or rules and regulations at the office or may discuss certain changes in more detail with the Y-W staff or the General Manager at the office or by phone.
The change in the Rules and Regulations is to the Availability paragraph of the Net Metering section. The following sentence will be added to the Availability paragraph: Retail renewable generation shall be sized to supply not more than 120 percent of the average annual consumption of electricity by the end use electric consumer at that site.
Joneal A. Young, Secretary