Mission Statement
Y-W Electric Association, Inc. is dedicated to providing high quality, reliable electric service and related products to our members at competitive prices. Our members deserve and shall receive quality service unexcelled in our industry. We are committed to maintaining an environment where the Board of Directors and employees can perform at maximum potential to benefit our Y-W community.
Service Area
Y-W provides electric service to most of Yuma and Washington Counties, Colorado.
Y-W's headquarters with construction and maintenance crews are located in Akron, Colorado. Y-W is proud of the quality of service that it provides and has a major warehouse and service crews located in Wray, Colorado. The electric service area is divided into 7 areas with two service personnel living and working within the area.
Interesting Facts
Incorporated in June 1945, Y-W Electric began operation in 1948 with 978 members and served 72 miles of line. We are proud to say that we have grown to serve approximately 3,700 members, 8,205 meters and maintain 4,190 miles of line.
The board of directors of Y-W is made up of 9 members who are elected for a three year term by the membership at its annual meeting held in either March, April, May or June.
There are currently 48 employees that live, participate in, and help support the communities within the two county area served by Y-W.
Y-W Electric is a rural electric distribution cooperative providing electricity for its members. Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. is the wholesale electric power provider.